Living it up in LeFleur East!
LeFleur East is home to a wide variety of neighborhoods, each with their own style & sensibility. From the large wooded lots of Eastover to the hills and dales of Sherwood Forrest, you’re sure to find a place to call home.
- Acadia Court
- Audubon Park
- Autumn Ridge
- Eastmont Place
- Eastover
- Eastparke
- Fontaine Place
- Highland Park
- Highlands East
- Indian Streets
- Kirkwood
- Little Europe
- Maywood Circle
- Meadowbrook Arbor
- Meadowbrook East
- Meadowbrook Highlands
- Massena Heights
- Petit Bois
- Sheffield
- Sherwood Forest
- Waterstone
The LeFleur East Foundation is currently working with Nextdoor to further divide its designated neighborhoods to better reflect OUR REAL NEIGHBORHOODS! The more LE residents using Nextdoor the better, so please sign up today.