Who are we?

Established in 2012, the LeFleur East Foundation is a nonprofit organization created to improve and enrich the quality of life for residents and businesses in the LeFleur East area in Jackson, MS.

LeFleur East occupies the east side of I-55 all the way to the Pearl River, and is bordered by LeFleur’s Bluff State Park to the south and Canton Mart Road to the north.

Our mission is represented by the four goals below: Communication, Beautification, Well-Being and Safety.

To develop communication about issues events and more happening in the area.
To encourage area beautification and improve landscaping in the LeFleur East area.
To promote healthy habits & provide the necessary resources to be active and improve the quality of life.
To work with the local government and homeowner associations to make LeFleur East a safe place.

See more about LeFleur East